Structure & Well Being

Our approach in regard to appropriate behavior:

We encourage the children to act with kindness and good manners towards each other. Discipline is based on a positive approach to allow children to develop self-awareness and self-confidence in their interactions with their peers. This approach is used in the following ways:

  • Encourage positive behaviors at all times.
  • Provide the child with choices to make decisions and suggest more appropriate behaviors
  • Discuss with the child why his action is unacceptable and explain the consequences of his behavior.
  • Encourage and help the child verbalize emotions and resolve conflicts with peers.
  • Encouraging appropriate behaviours.

Procedure for aggressive or inappropriate behavior:

  1. The teacher notes the unacceptable behaviours, their frequency and circumstances and informs the direction and the parents of the child. An action plan is set up in agreement with the management.
  2. If the inappropriate behaviour persists, the administration will ask to have a formal meeting between the parents and the educators to get their collaboration, support and engage in a healthy discussion on how to find tools to support the child.
  3. If there is still no improvement after three weeks, we ask for parental consent to request an observation from a Supported Child Development Program consultant. It may also be recommended that parents perform a child assessment by a behavioral disorder professional.

At all times Trottin-Trottinette follows the rules of the Community Care Facility Act – ChildCare Regulations which require that the child, while under our supervision, not be:

    • (a) Pushed, jostled, hit, shaken by an adult or a child, physically restrained or locked up by another child.
    • (b) Physically held by an adult except if the child has a disciplinary plan established by a team composed of parents and staff.
    • (c) Humiliated by verbal or harsh and degrading gestures given by a child or adult that could taint the child’s self-respect.
    • (d) Spank or be subject to any other form of physical punishment.
      (e) Deprived of snack, rest or access to a toilet as a form of punishment.
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